If you intend joining any of the visits, please notify Secretary Rosemary on 01395 278179 or rosemary.walsh1@btinternet.com so you can be advised of any directions, last minute changes or requirements.
NAAS members only. You must be a subscribed member of the society to join a visit.
Please let the secretary, Rosemary Walsh, know if you intend attending any of the forthcoming events. We need to know numbers. Telephone 01395 278179
Tuesday 11th March: David Carver’s polytunnels Buckland Cottage Gardens, Green Lane, Buckland Monachorum, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7NP.
David’s amaryllid collection is predominantly Narcissus with a mix of species, wild hybrids and garden hybrids.
He also grows many South American, South African and European bulbs and also Iridacea and hepatica.
Saturday 22nd March Lachenalia Day: Exbury Gardens, Southampton SO45 1AZ
Sunday 23rd March Joint meeting with SABG at Heath End Village Hall, Heath End Road, Baughurst (near Tadley), Reading, RG26 5LU
Graham Duncan, the well-known and prolific author of many books and botanical works on South African bulbs, will be visiting the UK and will talk on his 45 years at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, including Agapanthus and perhaps Lachenalia.
Also, talk by Jon Evans on South African amaryllids, possibly including a few from South America or North Africa.
Please let Rosemary Walsh know as soon as possible if you would like to attend this meeting - rosemary.walsh1@btinternet.com or 01395 278179.
Wednesday, 16 April: Paul Cumbleton’s garden The Maples, Watts Quarry Lane, Somerton, Somerset, TA11 7JD.
An amazing collection of bulbs and alpines, both in greenhouses and raised beds.
Thursday, 11th September: James Hitchmough’s garden Clayhanger House, Wadeford, Chard, Somerset, TA20 3BJ.
This is still a garden in the making as James has only been there for just over 2 years. He is hoping to have some Nerine bowdenii var wellsii in flower at that time.
Saturday October 18th : Nerine Day: Exbury Gardens, Southampton SO45 1AZ
Saturday 1st November: AGM 2025 Holton Village Hall, near Oxford.
This is definitely one of the most complicated flowers I've painted but the flowers are so beautiful it's worth persevering.
Caroline was working in the Five Arrows Gallery in 2017 producing wonderfully delicate and meticulously rendered water colour paintings.
For information about her work, Caroline can be contacted by email: caroline.rackham@googlemail.com